Parent/Guardian Information:
Mid Term / Benchmark testing:
January 15 - January 24, 2025
Mid Term / Benchmark testing:
January 15 - January 24, 2025
Monday, January 13 - Art Show at MS 5:00pm
Monday, January 20 - School closed for Martin Luther King holiday
Wednesday, January 29 - School closed for Lunar New Year
If you are experiencing a problem with technology call 845-353-7075 for assistance.
Click here for more Technology information
Benchmark Exams will be January 15 - January 24 (schedule to follow)
Check HS website for all Game Schedules
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball -
Wrestling - Monday -Thursday practice time is 3:00 - 4:30, Friday practice is 3:00 -4:00
Indoor Track and Field - Because of the number of athletes, 8th grade students will practice Monday and Wednesday. 7th grade students will practice Tuesday and Thursday. Practices are from 3:00-4:00pm. Students will meet at 3:05am and leave their bags in room 312 prior to practice.
Winter Sports offered are: Boys Basketball (coach Dequan Kerr) Girls Basketball (coach Ryan Siuta) , Wrestling (coach Phil Kennedy) , Indoor Track & Field (coach Brigid McKenna)
Please contact the athletic office with any questions:, 845-353-7136
Nyack Middle School Student Clubs meet Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 3:00-3:45p.
Nyack Middle School serves approximately 660 students in grades 6 through 8. We strive to create an environment where all children learn, grow and become "better students and better citizens" who will contribute to this outstanding community. Nyack Middle School strives to prepare our students to lead in our ever-evolving world. We stress 21st-Century skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, compassion, creativity, and cultural awareness. The faculty and staff of Nyack Middle School hold the highest expectations of excellence from the students that we teach. We have an unwavering dedication to helping students achieve their goals and dreams.
At Nyack Middle School, we are charged with developing the minds of the young people whom we teach. We strive to instill character in our students that reflects the values of this great community. Our students learn to have empathy and responsibility towards each other. We will continue to promote Nyack Middle School P.R.I.D.E. by teaching our behavior expectations daily while also understanding that mistakes in behavior provide opportunities for learning and growth. With this approach, we will have not only better students but also better citizens.
We believe that our diversity is our greatest strength. We celebrate our differences and embrace the melting pot that this district and country embodies.
Parental involvement and communication are the foundation of any successful school. As a resident of this community and a parent of two students who attend Nyack Public Schools, I am deeply invested in the success of every student attending Nyack Middle School. Thank you for entrusting your children's education to the faculty and staff of Nyack Middle School. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.
David Johnson
Nyack Middle School Principal
MS Art Show will be Monday, January 13 at the MS @5:00pm
January 6 - School Resumes “A” day
January 13 - Art Show 5:00 pm at MS
January 20 - School Closed - Dr. Martin Luther King Day
January 29 - School Closed - Lunar New Year
School is closed Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3
School closed - Monday January 20
School closed - Wednesday, January 29
High School Program of Studies Program of Studies NHS 2024-2025.pdf
Middle School Program of Studies: MS program of studies 2024-25.pdf
Community service information to parents : Community Service Guidelines Letter 2023-24.pdf
Link for community service projects: community service suggestions
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus -
National Association of School Psychologists
Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource-
What to Expect at Nyack Middle School